Saturday, November 23, 2019

Homonyms quiz - Emphasis

Homonyms quiz Homonyms quiz Homonyms are words that are pronounced or spelt in the same way but have different meanings – there and their, for example. This ten-question quiz will test you on some of the most commonly confused homonyms. How well do you know your allusions from your illusions and your pails from your pales? After youve answered the questions and been given your score, an explanation of each pair of homonyms will appear. Good luck! He gives the ____ of knowing exactly what needs doing, but I wonder if he really does. allusionillusionCould you ____ with me for ten minutes? I’m just running a little late. bearbareIs everyone here? Do we have a full ____? complementcomplimentI’d appreciate it if you could be ____ about this; we’re keeping it quiet until the details are finalised. discreetdiscreteOur guest speaker this week is the ____ Dr Greggs. eminentimminentThe project is now in ____ fourth week, so I thought it would be a good idea to have a catch up. it'sitsWe felt his comments were beyond the ____ and hope he plans to issue an apology. palepailOur ____ concern is that the project may not be completed before the June deadline. principleprincipalWe’ll give you free ____ regarding design and pictures. reignreinCan we arrange to have some branded ____ made? stationarystationery How did you do? Let us know by popping a comment in the box below.

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